Through the collaborative efforts of all JFP disciplines the site at 170 Douglas St Oxley was the subject of dramatic change. JFP was instrumental in taking the site from a disused Brickworks Quarry to an environmentally focussed residential subdivision.
The site contains 137 residential lots, 2 Townhouse Master Lot sites and large recreational parkland. The parkland, which is centrally located on a previously degraded section of Oxley Creek, has been completely rehabilitated through the incorporation of forested and riparian ecological areas. The creation of habitat through ponds, riffles and an intensive replanting provides a haven for local fauna and flora that will be appreciated for years to come. In addition to the environmental benefits provided, the park space also hosts an extensive neighbourhood play space.
Transforming the old Brickworks required considerable expertise. JFP was required to, among a number of things; manage the rehabilitation of the open space, site contamination issues, the impact of the 2011 Brisbane River flood and a significant Bulk Earthworks operation as part of taking the site from a disused quarry to an attractive residential community.
The Park Vue Estate is an illustration of how JFP can transform a difficult degraded site into a residential estate that has been well received by the market.