Privacy Policy


JFP believes that privacy is an important individual right and is important to our own business and the businesses of our clients.

In this policy we set out the standards to which JFP is committed to ensuring the privacy of individuals. JFP is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information that we collect and complying with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 (Cth), including the Australian Privacy Principles (the APPs).

This document provides information about our information handling practices. For further details of any aspect of these practices please contact the privacy Officer.

Collection of Personal Information

JFP only collects personal information if it is necessary for our business purposes. We are committed to obtaining personal information only by lawful and fair means. The information we collect may be limited to contact details where we interact with the public or may include more detailed information where a Client relationship exists (for instance details of property ownership if we are engaged to provide Urban Consulting services). We rarely need to collect sensitive information (such as health, ethnicity, religion) and will not do so without consent.

Use of Personal Information

We use personal information for the primary purpose for which it is collected. That may include supplying our services or responding to an individual’s request.

We may also use contact information to market our related services, however, the individual will always be given the opportunity to elect not to receive further marketing information from us.

Internally, we have controls and procedures to ensure that personal information provided to us remains confidential. All of our staff are trained in privacy and are bound by strict duties of confidentiality to the Firm and its clients.

We will not collect or use personal information in ways other than as stated in this policy unless we have obtained an individual’s consent. In some cases we may specifically request a consent form to be signed. In other cases consent may be implied (for instance, where an individual gives us information after being fully advised of how it will be used).

Disclosure of Personal Information

We do not sell or trade personal information, or allow third parties to use that personal information for their own purposes.

Sometimes, our business needs require that external contractors or suppliers assist us with information handling. This may include such processes as off-site security storage or electronic database management.

If information is needed to be accessed by a third party we attempt to limit that access to the extent possible and to ensure that those supplier and contractors are also bound by duties of confidentiality and privacy.

We also ask our clients to confirm that they have made their own disclosures or obtained consents before they pass any personal information to us.

Security of Personal Information

JFP aims to achieve industry best practice in the security of personal information which it holds. However, we cannot guarantee the complete security of data transmissions or communications over the internet. As such, information that you provide to us over the internet is at your own risk.

It is our policy to destroy personal information once there is no longer a legal or business need for us to retain it.

Access to Information

Unless a request is unreasonable and the APPs would permit us to decline that access (for instance, where granting access would infringe another person’s privacy) we will provide an individual access to their own personal information upon request. We will also provide access to personal information with the consent of that individual.

Clients who wish to gain access to their personal information should contact their JFP Project Manager. Non-clients may contact us by writing to:

The Privacy officer
JFP Urban Consultants Pty Ltd
PO Box 3634