31 Aug Redland City Council Medium Density Code
Has Redland’s Found a Happy Medium?
Experienced JFP Town Planners Shane Talty and Kathleen Hunter have recently reviewed the proposed Redland City Council Medium Density Code. They share their thoughts below on the proposed Code and what it means for bayside Urban Developers.
Overall, the criteria proposed in the new RCC Medium Density Code are consistent with, and in some cases better than, those implemented by other SEQ Local Authorities. Importantly, as part of the proposed amendments, Redland’s is looking to roll an existing non-statutory Multiple Dwelling Design Guide into the Planning Scheme, with the focus on delivering higher quality design outcomes for Medium Density developments. This is a greater level of regulation than before, but generally consistent with requirements in other Local Authorities, and the emphasis on good design is welcomed.
Other important items to note from the proposed Code include;
- There is no change to the extent of Medium Density zoned land within the City was considered necessary. This is a missed opportunity, given the changing nature of the (ageing) population and their housing needs.
- The promotion of using a proper site analysis in the initial design process
- AÂ focus on design related outcomes such as;
- ensuring a greater diversity of dwellings (i.e. number of bedrooms) within a Development
- allowing for the freehold titling of townhouses
- managing apartment building size;Â and
- enhancing streetscapes
- site coverage not exceeding;
- 55% for an apartment development on a lot 800m2 to 1000m2
- 50% for an apartment development on a lot 1000m2 or greater
- 50% for a townhouse development
- 50% in the Low-Medium Density Zone
These allowances are considered generally consistent to those from other SEQ Local Authorities and/or more generous in some situations. For example, Brisbane City Council has a 45% site coverage requirement in most circumstances.
- It is noted that setback provisions, particularly in Medium Density area, appearing quite generous, while landscape and deep planting requirements are similar to those applicable to other LGA’s.
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