07 Nov Draft Redland Housing Strategy 2023-2046
Draft Redland Housing Strategy 2023-2046
The State has released its initial draft of the Redland Housing Strategy for consultation which runs until the 12th November 2023.
The strategy indicates that under the current Redland City Plan, there would be a shortfall of approximately 5000 dwellings to that required under the draft Shaping SEQ document. The draft Strategy is aimed at addressing this shortfall. Similar to the SEQ Shaping SEQ document, the draft Strategy also advocates the use of gentle density to meet the dwelling supply targets.
Given the incidence of persons aged 65+ in the Redlands, there will also be also a focus on providing downsizing opportunities for older persons living in the City. In addition to traditional aged care/retirement facilities, this will be achieved through the delivery of low rise to medium rise dwellings including:
- small studios or Fonzie flats
- duplexes
- row or terrace houses
- triplexes or quadraplexes
- multiple dwellings (i.e. low-rise townhouses or units)
The draft Strategy provides recommended actions for City Plan amendments to remove some of the barriers to achieving greater housing supply and diversity, by focusing on:
- Reducing the minimum lot sizes for certain housing types within the Low Density Residential Zone, where certain criteria can be satisfied
- Providing for the development of townhouses / terrace style development and retirement facilities within the Low Density Residential Zone
- Providing for freehold titling of townhouses / terrace style development
- Increasing the minimum height of development within the medium density residential zone, where within a certain distance of a principal centre
- Incentivising the development of more attached housing within the medium density residential zone, rather than permitting dwelling houses “as of right”
- Encouraging existing and future growth areas and greenfield development to provide for a range of Low Medium Density and Medium Density Residential Zones (over and above the standard low density residential zones), as a means of contributing to the development of more diverse housing options for Redland.
- Introducing incentives to help industry reconsider existing development approvals for greater housing supply and choice.
The strategy includes extensive discussion around increasing heights and densities around both Potential High Amenity Areas (areas in proximity to railway stations/major centres/employment areas etc) and Medium Change Areas (strategically areas located near public transport, major corridors and centres).
In facilitating this, the Strategy proposes increasing building heights up to a maximum 7 storeys within 800m of a Principal Centre Zone and discussion around reducing car parking requirements near public transport given their locational benefits.
As indicated above, reductions in the minimum lot size in low and low-medium density residential zones are proposed, along with developing a dwelling house (small lot) code to enable greater control on small lot development. Minimum lot sizes in the Low Density Residential Zone, will be reduced down to 250m2 within 400m of the Principal Centre Zone, 300m2 where within 400-800m of a District, Major or Principal Centre Zone, 350m2 where within 400m of Local or Neighbourhood Centre Zone, 250m2 where in a greenfield development and 200m2 for an integrated development (combined MCU and ROL). Similarly, further reductions in lot sizes are also proposed in in the low-medium density residential zone.
Given the focus on infill development, the document only briefly touches on greenfield areas such as Southern Thornlands, Southern Redland Bay (Shoreline) and Toondah Harbour. There is however a dot point regarding an increase in the minimum density in new greenfield communities to 25 d/hectare along with the requirements to include a range of dwelling types.
The draft Strategy is currently on public consultation until the 12th November 2023. Should you have any queries in relation to the document, please don’t hesitate to contact Shane Talty in our Brisbane office.
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