Unitywater Accreditation & Certification (A&C) Services
What is Unitywater Accreditation and Certification?
Unitywater Accreditation and Certification is a system developed and implemented by Unitywater to assist the development industry by providing greater control over the accreditation and certification of new connections to Unitywater’s water supply and sewerage networks. This can lead to shorter approval timeframes and potential cost savings for developers.
How Unitywater’s Accreditation and Certification System Works
Unitywater’s Accreditation and Certification system allows suitably qualified entities and individuals to be accredited and registered to undertake services previously restricted to Unitywater.
Accredited entities and individuals need to be:
- Competent to assess connections applications;
- Able to certify that engineering designs and constructed assets are compliant with relevant connection approval requirements and relevant standards.
JFP Accreditation and Certification Services
JFP Urban Consultants is an Accredited Entity and has Registered Engineers who can undertake:
- Assessment of developer’s connection applications and preparation of certification packages including draft Decision Notices and draft Infrastructure Charges Notices for Unitywater’s review and approval;
- Inspection of construction works and certification of as-constructed assets in accordance with Unitywater standards;
- Preparation of Provisional Certificates of Completion and Certificates of Completion for Unitywater’s review and approval;
- Monitoring Infrastructure Agreements and Water Connection Approval Agreements for compliance with agreement conditions and reporting any non-conformance to Unitywater.
JFP Contact Information
For any additional information on JFP Accreditation and Certification Services please contact:
Haydn Watson (07) 3012 0100
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