BBE(LArch) BBusiness(Marketing)
- Site Analysis
- Concept Design
- Development and Operational Works Approvals
- Construction Documentation
- Contract Administration
- Open Space Management Planning
- Rehabilitation Planning
- Vegetation Management Planning
- Retirement Village Planting Design
David joined JFP as a Senior Landscape Architect in 2016. Over the past 12 years he has worked on a wide range of projects from bushland and wetland rehabilitation to commercial developments, small commercial centers and retirement villages. These projects were undertaken for a diverse mix of
Clients including private companies and Local Government authorities. He has extensive experience and has had involvement in a range of landscape projects in small and larger co consultancy team settings.
David has demonstrated ability in all aspects of the design process from Concept Planning to Construction Documentation and Contract Administration. His designs adhere to thorough understanding of the site, current legislative and code requirements and construct-ability; as well as Client requirements.
David has well developed skills with AutoCAD, PhotoShop and produces detailed and clear graphic communications and Construction Documentation. He also has a good working knowledge of botanical planting which informs his planting design.
A well organised approach and keen eye for detail are evident in David’s documentation and communications and his ability to meet deadlines. He works positively in multi-disciplinary teams to meet deadlines and fulfill the Client brief.
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